Regional Maps




Time and depth structural maps on Top Ordovician, Top Cambrian and Top Basement seismic reflectors at the scale of 1: 250,000 (6 maps).

The maps incorporate the Latvian sector of the Baltic Sea and Western Latvia. They were prepared in 1996 by uniting the maps prepared as a result of seismic investigations conducted during 1976-1991.

The maps are available as printouts and in the digital format (JPG, TIFF, ESRI SHAPE).


Geological Map (pre-Quaternary deposits) at the scale 1:500,000.

The map incorporates the whole Latvian territory and the Latvian sector of the Baltic Sea. The map was prepared in 1996. The map is available on paper and in the digital format (JPG, TIFF, CDR)


Geological map of Latvia at the scale 1:200 000.

The map incorporates the Latvian territory and a very small (coastal) part of the Latvian sector of the Baltic Sea.

There are 9 map sheets altogether; and the following map set is available:

The map of Pre-Quaternary deposits at the scale 1:200,000

The map of Quaternary deposits at the scale 1:200 000

Auxiliary maps.

The explanatory text (in Latvian only, could be translated based on a special order).

Available on paper and in the digital format (JPG, TIFF, CDR, ESRI SHAPE).


Tectonic Map of Caledonian structural complex at the scale  1:500,000.

The map incorporates the whole Latvian territory and the Latvian sector of the Baltic Sea. The map was prepared in 2001. The map is available on paper and in the digital format (JPG, TIFF, CDR).


Top Ordovician depth structural Map at the scale 1:500,000.

The map incorporates the whole Latvian territory and the Latvian sector of the Baltic Sea. The map was prepared in 2001. Available on paper and in the digital format (JPG, TIFF, CDR, ESRI SHAPE).


Top Crystalline Basement depth structural Map at the scale 1:500,000

The map incorporates the whole Latvian territory and the Latvian sector of the Baltic Sea. The map was prepared in 2001. Available on paper and in the digital format (JPG, TIFF, CDR, ESRI SHAPE).


Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map (Bouguer reduction σ=2.3g/cm3) at the scale 1:500,000.

The map incorporates the whole Latvian territory and the Latvian sector of the Baltic Sea. The map was prepared in 1999, 1901-1909 Normal Gelmert formula (-14 mGal), Standardisation Net 1971) based on the data of 1:200,000 mapping in 1958-1977 and 1992.

Available on paper and in the digital format (JPG, TIFF, CDR).


Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map (Bouguer reduction σ=2.3g/cm3) at the scale 1:250,000.

The map incorporates the Latvian sector of the Baltic Sea only (most of it). The map was prepared in 1999, 1901-1909 Normal Gelmert formula (-14 mGal), Standardisation Net 1971) based on data of 1:200,000 mapping in 1958-1977 and 1992.

Available on paper and in the digital format (JPG, TIFF, CDR).


Aeromagnetic Anomaly Map at the scale 1:500,000

The map incorporates the whole Latvian territory and the Latvian sector of the Baltic Sea. The map was prepared in 1999 (contour interval 2 nT x 100) based on data of 1:200,000 aeromagnetic mapping in 1958-1968.

Available on paper and in the digital format (JPG, TIFF, CDR).


Bathymetric Map at the scale 1:250,000

The map was prepared in 1999 based on the echosounding data obtained during seismic surveys in 1976-1991. The isobath step on the map is 10 m.

Available on paper and in the digital format (JPG, TIFF, CDR, ESRI SHAPE). 



Besides, maps from the “original” (i.e. prepared after the acquisition of raw data, i.e. prospecting, etc.) reports (mostly in Russian) as paper copies or scanned on CD are available.


See information about the map costs in the section PRICE LIST.